This beautiful painting done by Carey Malone is our wonderful, blended, created family, minus Fin and these two adorable nuggets, Jaxen and Charlee, Joe's great-grandbaby twins.
We need to figure our a way to either paint them in or something. Our family is what I call a gathered family, married, steps, half, adopted, joined, rescued... You get the picture. For some reason, each of these people either were wanted by our family or wanted to be part of our family, or both. Go figure!?!?
I picture the family of God, living in the Kingdom of Heaven, no differently. Many people, created by God, gathered in His sight, sharing a set of values rooted in our Creation and Creator. I call these values, "Kingdom Ethics." Kingdom Ethics are the code of conduct we choose to live by once we have been gathered up into the family of God and accept a life that is eternal.
As I study, I begin to seek knowledge about living as a member of the family of God and as a citizen of His Kingdom here on earth. I know that living as God's chosen child, I am truly blessed. That word, blessed, is an adjective describing a fortunate privilege and position. The word Jesus would have used recorded by the tax collector, turned disciple, Matthew, is "makarios." That word is found 9 times just in the first 11 verses of the 5th chapter of Matthew. This section is also known as the Beatitudes; eight blessings given by Jesus. The Beautitudes are also that very code of ethics for Christ followers that display a faith, that real beyond superficial faith, the world allows us to display. Through the Beatitudes, Jesus teaches us what blesses us as children in the family of God; citizens of his Kingdom. In other words, in our house, you often heard, "This is what Mowdy's do (or don't do depending on the situation.)" This phrase was often part of lecture prior to going in public, reminding the kids how Mowdy's behave. That behavior was indicative of who we are, the family we belong to, whether we are home or in the world. It is how we live as God's kids.
Beatitude #1: Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall receive the Kingdom of Heaven. In today's English, "God blesses those that realize they NEED the Holy Spirit in their lives to guide them. That guidance leads them to the Kingdom."MUT (Monica's Understandable Translation)
To be a part of The Mowdy family you have to like water sports, love animals (maybe not like Fin), be willing to stand up in the face of adversity (even tiny kitties) and, thanks to Joe and Stephanie, willing to pose for lots and lots of pictures (it is like living with paparazzi). There are many more traits to our family, good hearts, love for each other, and a huge desire to to try to be funny. It is interesting how much we are alike and yet different. The similarities come in our values and ethics. Our differences are mostly geographical and political. But the love is big. I am blessed and thankful.
To be blessed and part of God's family we first must recognize our need for Him and allow His Spirit to be our guide, our force, our power, which means giving up our will, our desires and our self-made power.
➡️ Ask yourself if you REALLY desire God and recognize your need for Him, beyond salvation?
➡️ Defer to God in all all moves today - see how it feels
Ask yourself - does your desire show to the world?
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