Wet and Sandy

And so begins Holy Week. For me as a pastor it is typically my busiest week and also my favorite week that ends with the glorious celebration of the resurrected Christ and mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. Don't get me wrong, it is a "good" exhaustion but I usually feel whipped never the less. Beginning Holy Week with fatigue from learning a new way to pastor, shepherd, lead and love kind of seems daunting. I am so glad I started sharing this devotion time and blog. It gives me a space to think through, completely what God is speaking into my life through God's word and God's Word, Jesus, alive in me.

Today I read in Luke 5, "But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer." We ARE in the wilderness. (vs. 16) But am I withdrawing, yet, or even at all? Not yet. I read a funny cartoon this morning from a great series called Coffee with Jesus. The woman, sitting with Jesus having coffee describes herself as swinging from being a hot coal to "where I am now" she says. Jesus gives her the words, "A pile of burning, smoldering embers?" She likens it to more of a a piece of coal, soaked with water and covered with sand.

I am no where near there. Creativity and innovation excite me and keep me motivated. Make no mistake, it can be tiring, though. And then, I would be in danger of moving far away from God as if I was buried in sand and covered in water.

Some people have reacted to this time of upheaval in a similar fashion as I have, creating, serving, moving, doing. Others have allowed fear, boredom, grief from loss of the old way of life to pull sand right over their head. What Jesus is demonstrating for us is to STOP. Jesus bids us to retreat, for a time and pray.

Back to the cartoon (which you can find in the first comment below). Jesus says to the woman, "And one tiny breath onto one nearly dead coal could ignite the world."

I am not Jesus, but if it is good enough for Jesus then it is good enough for me. It would probably be good for you too.

*Allow the breath of God flow over you as you pray today.
*Maybe consider, if you can, spending a lot of the day in prayer.
*Pray for those that are essential and can't stop or breathe as easily.
*Face Holy Week covered in the reckless love of God.

Be healthy. Stay safe.
