
Read more about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12
Yesterday was bittersweet in our home. For us former Okies, April 19th is a day that brings a flood of memories to the surface; sad, heart-warming, fear and change. We almost lost a daughter (Joe's), who is now listed on the survival wall, and it sparked months of bomb threats and fear for where I directed, the "other" Federal Childcare Center. In case you missed what I am referring to, yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. It is still the largest act of terrorism on American soil, by another American. I am not sure if it was all the pandemic news or what, but the day passed by, news wise, with barely a mention. I watched many C-Span specials, but most of them centered on the devastation, the trial and execution of Timothy McVey. What I wanted to see was reminders of the moments when my home state came together, helped each other, gang member, side-by-side with cop digging in the rubble for survivors, first responders diving into the wreckage for lost souls and human lives regaining health. There wasn't much of that on television, but thank goodness for memories. Kari Watkins, Bombing Memorial museum director said this, "Oklahomans know what happens when compassion, kindness and understanding is lost. I pray we learn from that part of the OKC Bombing experience."

The OKC Bombing Memorial

The more sweet part of our day was a Zoom video conference call with the 11 confirmands and leaders from Carthage United Methodist Church, the church I serve as pastor. Seeing those youthful faces, all of us so happy to see each other was a true blessing for me. Yesterday they were to share their "Gift of the Holy Spirit" as defined by a Spiritual Gifts Inventory they had taken. First of all, I love how the inventory seems to "get it right," I saw gifts I had suspected confirmed in these sweet people. Seeing the surprise on their faces as they realized they have gifts to share and God gave them those gifts was wonderful. I see, in them, an immediate maturing as they gain the knowledge God cares enough about them to see them as worthy to be in His service. I am always reminded of the gifts I have been given and how I am deciding to utilize them. I am now reminded of a quote from the Chief FBI inspector during the Bombing recovery efforts, "What we have is only justified by what we give." 
CUMC Confirmation Class 2020

Using your gifts is a living example of Proverbs 11:24, "There is one who scatters and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results in only want." If you are sitting at home filled with fear, scarcity and dread try giving of your ability, time, and gifts. All you have is from God, and is only justified in having, by giving it away.

  • Examine your Spiritual gifts. If you don't know what your gifts are, start with this inventory: Spiritual Gifts Inventory 
  • Create, discover, make ways to use your gifts in this time
  • Pray that we never lose our sense of compassion, kindness and understanding in this time, or ever.
