Take a look at this small garden my son-in-law, daughter and her kids have started. This garden is a dream garden. Not meaning that is is perfect like a dream, although it is pretty darn close. But because this garden has been a dream of theirs for awhile. Either they lived in rental property, or poor soil, new babies or school have derailed this garden for quite a few years. The vegetable that will grow in the garden was all started by seeds, in the house, then moved outside, lovingly cared for as the weather flips back and forth from winter to spring.
The walk way as made to give easier access for tending and the fence is there to protect the eventual harvest. The name of the garden doesn't represent the last name of my kids, but of my son-in-law's grandfather, that always put in a garden and due to age and ability, this year decided it was not the best idea.
There were so many plants come from seeds they have shared
plants and will eventually share the bounty with others, too. This entire garden was made possible by hard work, time at home (thank you COVID 19) and God. God gives us gifts in life. God is the bearer of the gift of talent we can use, soil to dig, seeds to plant and sun to grow them. The kids have "helped," naming and watching the plants. Talking to them, in hopes they will feel loved. Even protecting them. Psalm 127 reminds us fo the order of things...because we forget. Humans begin to believe they produced all they have with their hands, hard work and human ingenuity. While those elements are critical to the process of what we gather in life, everything is God-given. Remembering that God is first in all things places a better perspective of enjoyment in what we have. We are less grumpy, frustrated and frantic when things don't go our way. We are able to find a peace in God's way.
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