Yesterday I gave in. I am not one to usually raise the white flag, EVER! I am stubborn, determined, I prefer to call it tenacious. But yesterday, I surrendered to being home, being safe and settling in to find new ways to shepherd others from home (except for essential trips.) I ran to the office and got a few things I needed for the two (I hope only two) weeks ahead. Notice a different Bible in the photo? Notice the other two in the background? Those are my favorite bibles. They are comfortable, I know where everything in them can be found. I brought home my favorite pens to write in them. I brought home more study books. I surrendered and made my office at home for the duration. My desk is complete with my bulldog salt and pepper shakers of course. My desk is my dining table.
<PLEASE NOTE: If you click on the highlighted words they will take you to links with more!>
I surrendered, but I didn't surrender to fear, or a virus, but to God's voice telling me to try new things. Psalm 104 speaks to the fact that we look to God for food (spiritual and nutritional.) As we open our hands God will provide good things. Good things! What I am receiving right now is a good thing. It is up to me to discover the "good" in it.
God will "send forth His Spirit and it will renew the face of the earth." I am surrendering to the message from God that we can and will renew the face of this earth. My surrender is to the renewal in me, how I work, how I live, what I choose to be a priority in my life. I am even asking for renewal in how I serve Him.
- Raise that white flag and let this season be a season of renewal in you, your family.
- Be blessed by the quiet.
- Listen for the Spirit.
- Find new ways to serve others.
My gift to you for this day. My friend, Russ Hitt is an accomplished, spirit led musician. Here is a song for you to enjoy for today and the days to come. Let it feed your soul.
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