Yesterday I went outside.
Crazy I know. I even went beyond my yard. Don't panic. I stayed safe. I practiced social distancing but I had essential business.
I had some things that need to go out by mail that required going to the post office. I had to leave a Bible study book at our church drop off point for someone taking Jane Bass Turner's Wednesday Bible Study.

As I was studying Psalm 118 this morning I noticed it began with "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever."
I believe that if I hadn't taken the time to notice the things I am thankful for I would cease to really remember that God's love endures forever! Even now, even during health scares and floods and tornadoes and job loss.
* Make a point to name (out loud if you dare) at least 5 things you are thankful for right now.
* Pray for 5 people you are thankful for.
* Do 5 things for yourself that feed your soul and spirit.
* Make a point to name (out loud if you dare) at least 5 things you are thankful for right now.
* Pray for 5 people you are thankful for.
* Do 5 things for yourself that feed your soul and spirit.
Stay healthy and stay safe!
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