Yesterday I went outside. 

Crazy I know. I even went beyond my yard. Don't panic. I stayed safe. I practiced social distancing but I had essential business. 

I had some things that need to go out by mail that required going to the post office. I had to leave a Bible study book at our church drop off point for someone taking Jane Bass Turner's Wednesday Bible Study. 

And yes, palms. I drove and dropped off palms on the porches of people that wanted to still practice Palm Sunday. No human contact. No touching things. My final stop was to retrieve some office items someone packed up and left for me. All essential and safe. I have enjoyed working from home. It is new, different and creative. I also, equally enjoyed riding in the car and breathing fresh air. I was thankful for the new virus protection at the post office, I am thankful that Bible study can continue online and we have a drop off place to safely provide books for people. I am thankful that we can still "have" Palm Sunday with videos of kiddos waving palms being sent to me and I am mostly thankful that I am healthy and can work and stay heathy.

As I was studying Psalm 118 this morning I noticed it began with "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever."

I believe that if I hadn't taken the time to notice the things I am thankful for I would cease to really remember that God's love endures forever! Even now, even during health scares and floods and tornadoes and job loss.
* Make a point to name (out loud if you dare) at least 5 things you are thankful for right now.
* Pray for 5 people you are thankful for.
* Do 5 things for yourself that feed your soul and spirit.
Stay healthy and stay safe!
