Long hair must be brushed. Long hair must be brushed. Long hair must be brushed. My mother's words echo in my head, as well as me echoing those very words to my daughter. Long hair must be brushed. If it isn't, not only does it look messy, it also becomes tangled with mats and gnarls that won't brush out easily. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Long hair must be brushed. My answer as a child? I cut it off myself. My daughter took a little longer but did eventually cut her hair off and pretty much hated it immediately but by the time she let it grow out she could and would brush it her self. She has always been faster learner than me.
Long hair puppy cats mush be brushed. "No problem" I was told by cat people. Cats love being brushed, especially long hair cats. Apparently, Fin being a puppycat, negates this theory, or he is the exception that proves the rule. He vehemently hates being brushed. He has been very vocal about it. But when I don't brush him his beautiful mane begins to resemble dreadlocks. A friend finally gave me the insight I needed to understand. Mama cats use their rough tongue to groom their babies. In doing so, much like my mom brushing my hair, and me brushing Jill's hair, we learned how and why we groom. Fin didn't have a mama cat and the slobbery Lola Mama Dog licking just made him gooey and stinky and in need of a bath. So Fin never learned that long hair needs to be brushed. Being brushed is all new to him. I have been told I could shave him. Nope! So we have learned to brush. It takes treats and time and soft, gentle strokes coupled with words of affirmation. "Long hair needs brushed, Fin." He will learn. It will just take time.
As I study I am led to the letter Paul wrote to the church in Ephesis. He is writing about us learning to work together as one. Differences in thought and people in general can lead to division. Getting people worked up to have everyone go along with you is not God's plan at all. It's true, some times we have more answers to life's problems than others (or at least we think we do.) Often we see life's challenges in a different light than others. Maybe we have great insight and wisdom or knowledge that others lack. It can be frustrating when others "Just don't get it!" "How can everyone not see what is happening here?" Or, "Why can't they see that this is important?" I mean really, why wouldn't Fin want to be brushed? As Dr. Phil says, "No matter how flat you make pancake there are two sides." More often than not, the issues we face have more than one side; even multiple facets and some people are just trying to understand. Navigating through all the "lessons" being thrown at someone usually causes more confusion, hurt and sometimes, even rebellion.(I have the scratches to prove it!) Yes, loud voices often win the day...in the moment, until another loud voice comes to turn heads. Rather than guiding someone into an understanding, they are often just hurt, confused and upset.

Allow me to paint a picture. The first time I realized I would need to brush Fin, Kota decided to "help." I am trying to hold him down, while Kota is loudly instructing how I need to brush, including the places I missed. The more Fin struggled there I forced my will on him and the louder Kota's voice became. A few scratches later and a puppycat went into for days, I realized there had to be a better way. Paul gives us that way: humility, gentleness, allowing for faults and do it all in love. In love. A little louder for those in the back. In Love! Once I started loving on him first, hiding him gently, speaking sweet nothings in his ear, plying him with treats all went well. We only got a small portion brushed and not very deeply but over time the brushing lasts longer, Fin doesn't have to be held. Now he can handle getting a good thorough brushing.
You may have all the answers. You may be sure that you know what needs to be done or what needs to happen. You may feel that you have more education and insight into life's problems. I hope someone does. But please, please know. Use your powers for good, not confuse and division. Teach, love, be gentle. Right fighting never wins the day.
Long hair puppy cats mush be brushed. "No problem" I was told by cat people. Cats love being brushed, especially long hair cats. Apparently, Fin being a puppycat, negates this theory, or he is the exception that proves the rule. He vehemently hates being brushed. He has been very vocal about it. But when I don't brush him his beautiful mane begins to resemble dreadlocks. A friend finally gave me the insight I needed to understand. Mama cats use their rough tongue to groom their babies. In doing so, much like my mom brushing my hair, and me brushing Jill's hair, we learned how and why we groom. Fin didn't have a mama cat and the slobbery Lola Mama Dog licking just made him gooey and stinky and in need of a bath. So Fin never learned that long hair needs to be brushed. Being brushed is all new to him. I have been told I could shave him. Nope! So we have learned to brush. It takes treats and time and soft, gentle strokes coupled with words of affirmation. "Long hair needs brushed, Fin." He will learn. It will just take time.

Allow me to paint a picture. The first time I realized I would need to brush Fin, Kota decided to "help." I am trying to hold him down, while Kota is loudly instructing how I need to brush, including the places I missed. The more Fin struggled there I forced my will on him and the louder Kota's voice became. A few scratches later and a puppycat went into for days, I realized there had to be a better way. Paul gives us that way: humility, gentleness, allowing for faults and do it all in love. In love. A little louder for those in the back. In Love! Once I started loving on him first, hiding him gently, speaking sweet nothings in his ear, plying him with treats all went well. We only got a small portion brushed and not very deeply but over time the brushing lasts longer, Fin doesn't have to be held. Now he can handle getting a good thorough brushing.
You may have all the answers. You may be sure that you know what needs to be done or what needs to happen. You may feel that you have more education and insight into life's problems. I hope someone does. But please, please know. Use your powers for good, not confuse and division. Teach, love, be gentle. Right fighting never wins the day.
- Teach someone in love.
- Learn something you didn't know
- Avoid brushing a puppycat
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