Look Ahead

Do miracles exist today, in the world? I get this question a lot. I am one of those irritating people that loves to answer a question with another question, "Do YOU see them?" Funny thing, of their answer is, "yes!" They see miracles but they are still wondering if they exist. Maybe, the people that are asking this question are wondering if what they see is real, or of God, or merely a coincidence. I believe most everyone hopes for miracles to happen inter lives while at the same time assuming that they may not be happening or if miracles are still happening they may not be worthy to be on the list. It couldn't be a question of luck because luck would play hand in hand with miracles. Miracles are divine. There is no luck or coincidence in the world of God. 

In Apostle John's reporting of the Gospel, Jesus leaves the wilderness, he meets up with a religious leader named Nicodemus that has doubts, he has his disciples start baptizing people and he meets the woman at the well and an enter village comes to know the salvation hope of Jesus Christ through his conversation, shortly after that a royal official comes to Jesus asking for healing from Jesus for his sick son who is at home. He wanted a miracle. He apparently believed a miracle was possible. Jesus' response was that unless people see signs and wonders, you will never believe. So wait, EVERYONE needs to be able to see signs and wonders; the miracles,  for the official to believe that it happened. What is Jesus saying here?

Miracles need to be seen as more than a favor to the recipient. Miracles need to be a sign to all people. Everyone needed to see and hear about the faith that the royal official had in Jesus to heal. It would be in the telling, retelling, and sharing that the true healing would come. The true healing is found in the deep believing. The original language sheds a little more understanding, basically what is being said is, unless a person truly perceives the authentication of Jesus for who he is and what he can do then they will not commit to the trust in him. The word used os "pisteuo", true commitment to the knowing.

Right now we need some miracles. Some people need healing, physically and emotionally. Our earthly world needs healing. We need radical change in the world right now. So let's start talking. Share when you have had God sightings. We know God is at work. Start telling people. Share those signs and wonders. It is a much better conversations than many that I am reading and hearing. Just saying. 


  • Look for signs and wonders from God
  • Share some signs and wonders in your life with anyone that will listen
  • Stop griping. You will feel better.
