Make Me!

As I study today I realize something. I am tired. I am horrible at resting. I am not physically tired, but mentally, maybe even emotionally. In this time of new ministry and living, I have thrived by being creative and innovative. I love being productive in that way. I am much more productive at home; fewer distractions and stronger wifi. When I work in an office, I go home and I am blessed to have a secretary that encourages me to take my day off (when she can.) It is harder for me to carve out time off when I live in my work space. Work beckons me.

As I study today, I realize days like today are even more important that I listen to God. Today as I studied, I was taken to the 23rd Psalm. I am bad to gloss over well known passages, but this morning I made a point to stop and pray, meditate on each phrase.  What stuck with me in prayer time was this portion:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He restores my soul.  He MAKES me lie down.  Apparently even sheep are reluctant to rest sometimes. Today I will rest. Today I will accept the restoration of my soul. Today I will allow all of me to heal, so I can spend tomorrow creating and innovating all over again. I love working, a lot. I thrive being a productive person. But today I will lie down.


  • Rest
  • Please check in if you need help following the storm or prayer or anything
  • Pray and meditate over Psalm 23                             
