I got a surprise gift yesterday from a friend. It wasn’t my birthday, it wasn’t any holiday, really. She just saw it and thought of me. I was tickled. She sent me a text. Told me where it was to be picked up (social distancing and all) and I had so much anticipation. Opening the gift was fun. I am at an age where so many of the gifts I get are practical, like a couch or a vacuum. Those things aren’t wrapped or nestled under tissue paper in a cute gift bag. I like the opening part. It is fun. It makes the gift more exciting. For me. 

We are experiencing the same joy all over town. A few places are beginning to open back up for business. Many have worked all along, just not inside their business. They are opening their doors and we get to go back inside. I am a little excited by that. 

I realize not everything is open and some things are slowly opening. Regardless of how you feel about the politics that surround the decisions being made, I am a hopeful person and I am happy for what is coming back to life, no matter how slowly. Maybe the anticipation will make us appreciate our precious lives and activities more. 

As I study I am reminded of the passage in the Gospel of Luke. Setting the scene: Jesus had been crucified, the tomb was empty, the disciples had been hiding out because they were afraid of persecution for stealing Jesus’ body to make a point and for being followers. Jesus appeared to them and they were afraid, in disbelief and simultaneously relieved to see him. Scripture says, “He opened their eyes so they would understand scripture.” In other words he was giving them a gift of understanding to share with others. 

Yesterday I wrote about the church sign series “Things that at end cancelled” coming to an end because now we are opening. But for some the opening is too slow and the anticipation is not fun. For others, it may feel like it is happening too quickly and they are uncomfortable as well. But there are things that have been open all the time. So....<insert drumroll> Allow me to invite the new series. “It’s Open” 

My hope is, as gift to you as you await the days of opening to come, you are reminded in a small way that all good gifts are from God above and His time is perfect. 

  • Find a way to open your heart to someone that needs you. 
  • Check on a person you haven’t heard from in awhile
  • Read Luke 24 and be reminded, Jesus is never really far from us
