Recognizing What is There

Yesterday ended a trend on Main Street North in downtown Carthage. The “What Is Not Cancelled” series on the Carthage United Methodist Church sign has come to an end. Oh, the sign is still there but the series of what is cancelled is over. 

     Back in start of the new year, 2020 BC (Pre Corona), I assigned a month to change the sign to each staff member. And then March came with a permanent sign with instructions of how to watch services online or TV.  When April came and it seemed as EVERYTHING was being cancelled, our April sign staff, Nicole Harriman, didn’t take the easy road. She decided to remind us what was NOT cancelled. It became something people looked forward to each day. That girl was preaching the Gospel with a few letters a day. 
     But as I said, yesterday was the end. April is over! And the good news is that the world is beginning to slowly reopen. So it is time for phase two! No spoilers here. Watch and see what happens as we begin to watch what is OPEN!
     But, oh, that last sign. In case you missed it, check out the photo. In the last episode of “Things NOT cancelled” was “Jesus!” What an obvious, yet not so obvious choice. Our Lord is everlasting.  But maybe you have been struggling with recognizing Christ in your midst right now. But know this...through the Holy Spirit that lives within us and among us, Jesus is with you and desires to be welcomed into your life. Jesus looks to gather is up into the family of his Loving Father. 

Jesus is not cancelled. Heaven is not cancelled, and our Lord is present in this world. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. 

Now let’s wait and see what is open!!!

  • Watch for the sign
  • Read John 1:12-13
  • Pace yourself
  • Be safe
  • Message me if you need someone to pray for you, or pray with or just to talk. 
