So back to Fin, the puppycat... Fin is called a puppy cat because of his odd upbringing with two English Bulldogs, he never has really seen a cat, except through the window as he gazes on neighbor cats...barking at them, like AnnaBelle and Lola. Granted it isn't a full throttle English bulldog bark. It is more of clipped meow. Weird. Another weird thing is he thinks of Lola as his mom and they work together to achieve life and cleaning. AnnaBelle is part nemesis and part running buddy, aka a sibling.
This morning as I sat on the back porch eating my oatmeal and drinking my coffee and reading my Bible I am distracted by the interplay between Fin, the birds and the dogs. And it went like this: Birds chirp, Fin hunkers down to stalk (instinct occasionally kicks in). AnnaBelle begins to slowly join in the stalking. I am convinced that AnnaBelle has no clue what or who she is doing reconnaissance on, but she is there for the mission. Stealthily, they sneak up on the poor suspecting bird and then BOOM! Lola runs up behind, like a diligent mama, swooping in to correct her children as their play is about to take a bad turn. Then Lola runs back, sits at my feet, never taking an eye off Fin. Eventually they give up.
Fin, the puppycat |
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AnnaBelle, partner in crime |
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Mama Lola |
As I Study, I am led to the place we have just finished reading in our "Count it All Joy..." bible study. Philippians 2:1-2.
"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind."
Paul is explaining to the church in Philippi that if they have the same mind, work together on the same goals and in the same direction, they will complete Paul's joy. Now Paul isn't just trying to get them to get along so he doesn't have to pull that van over and deal with them. Paul is explaining that joy, true, elusive joy can only be found in all of us when we are of one mind and in one accord. It is more than getting along. That same mind is the mind of Christ working toward the same cherished ideals, what Christ cherishes. Yes, life would be better if we all worked to get along and be nice. But Paul sets the bar higher. We are called to not only get along and be nice to each other, but we are asked to be drawn so closely to Christ Jesus, through the same Spirit, that are minds are in his mind. Our same mind will turn us out toward the world, co-laboring together on what Christ sees as essential and we will be in concert in our labor.
Fin and the bulldogs give us the best example of what not to do. Fin chasing birds is instinctual and normal. Bulldogs are playful so AnnaBelle playing along with a sibling, cat or not, is typical. Lola being the mother of the world is..well..normal or not, Lola. But with no like mind, no shared goals, everyone walks away unfulfilled (except the infiltrating bird.)
Oh what joy when we quit walking around on our own agendas and we walk, toward Jesus, seeking the mind of Christ. Then, and only then, turning towards the world on a mission from Christ.
- Seek the Joy of Christ.
- As you watch us people work against each other, pray we will "get it."
- Let me know if you want to join us for our online Bible Study.
- Love people anyway.
- Reach out to someone that needs YOU
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