Today I planned an event, a distanced event, that required a coordinated effort at the end of setting off smoke cannons. Six people spread out in a yard (6' from each other) and on the count of three they were to twist the cannons and smoke would fill the air. 1...2..3
Instead of synchronized colored smoke filling the air, we had syncopated smoke with a small delayed follow up at the end. Here is the best part. While the plan was different, the impact was the same. The sky was filled with a beautiful explosion of smoke. What a celebration! It was great to be together even if the smoke wasn't.
As I study I am mindful of a passage in the book of Hebrews. The Christ follower that wrote the letter to the Hebrew Christians is asking them to persevere in their faith. we are not completely sure why they needed the urging but it is clear that it had become dangerous to gather and tempting to those to go it alone. The passage asked them to motivate and encourage one another and not give up on gathering. It is almost as if to give up on gathering is to give up on each other.
What if that little blue cannon guy was out there all alone. Now Wyatt has a plethora of gifts even if twisting the smoke canon isn't one of them. Alone there would have been no blue smoke at all. If Wyatt had not been there, who would his dad have helped? we would have had no follow up smoke. We need each other.
Gathering comes in many forms. The gathering mentioned in this passage comes from using your gifts to help others grow their gifts. But note, this is a letter written to people by someone that is not with them. Let me repeat - the writer of the letter in not in the same place as the readers of the letter. The writer is encouraging them; supporting them. Gathering is taking place in that sense. He has gathered with them in spirit and in love.
As you are home by yourself or with immediate family, are you still gathering? Encouraging? Supporting? Teaching? Sharing? That is what God asks, that is what God requires. Some of you are getting together with others in a church building, but are you really gathering? What support or encouragement do you give? Are you being the church or just going to church?
- Help someone shine (or smoke)
- Try to do something that is hard
- Prepare for worship tomorrow by making a plan of who you will really support and encourage
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