Beck and Call

Being a bulldog mama, I know my role. I am here to feed, cuddle, give up my bed space and keep the wading pool filled with cool water. I am here to give treats as needed and wipe drool from chins. My role is clear. The role of puppycat parent is different. Treats are still on the list, rare cuddles, no drool, scooping poop from the litterbox. I won't even get into the wife and adult children role. All completely different tasks and responsibilities. We all have roles but what about God's role in our life?

I look to God for healing, blessings, grace, (for me), justice (for others) and advice in solving problems and getting me out of messes. Isn't that what having a gracious and merciful and almighty God for? Today as I studied I may have stumbled on to a role for God in my life I am Notsuke I am conformable with. 

Psalm 123 paints God as a master and we are his servant.  Of course God is our King, but how much thought have I given to serving God as a lowly, humble servant. The second verse uses the imagery of a maid watching and waiting for the "look." of her mistress so she can jump up and answer her call. Is that the relationship I hav with God. Hopelessly, breathlessly awaiting mercy. I could lull myself into believing , "well that was pre-Jesu God." You know, the God that was vengeful and filled with wrath. Post-Jesus God wants us to be his children.

What does it mean to be a child of a loving and wise parent? My girls knew the look. A look that was probably similar to the look the psalmist describes. The look that says, "I need you to do (act) how I need you to, right now." My girls could feel that look about 40 feet away with their backs turned. I could see them straighten, turn and comply.  My boys, however, were a little different. They came to us at 2 and 3 years of age. The look meant nothing and ti was well into near middle school age before they realized that look mama gave wasn't just a weird twitch.Once they learned, while not as compliant as their sisters, they did know it meant that I was boss, they were not and for this moment we will do it my way.

Having a parent means that for a season, a long season, we need to lean into the wisdom of that parent until we know their will for us and what will serve us best. Do I see God in that light? Let's analyze the ways I see God. 

Dr. Oz God - The God that we turn to when we facing illness that threatens the well being of those we love or ourself. We go to Dr. Oz God and tell him what kind of healing we need. How we want it to look. To guide all the medical professionals to the outcome we want, never allowing Dr. Oz God to tell us the best healing that will be taking place and talk to us about what that will mean for us, for them and how God will help us through whatever trials are faced.

Oprah God - Oprah love to give away gifts to all of her adoring fans. She used to have a yearly show entailed "Oprah's Favorites," and everyone in the studio audience would get a ll of her favorites to take home, "You get a gift and you get a gift and you get a gift." I always wondered if someone had slipped into the audience that wasn't really a fan, they just wanted good stuff. I think the same when I watch people getting what I see as blessings from God and I don't. I question their loyalty. Is it as good as mine? And when someone that doesn't even claim God as their Master, and they get blessing, whoa - no fair.

Judge Judy God - Judge Judy God gets in the faces of those people that don't treat others properly and harms them or their property. They are punished by Judge Judy God for making mistakes and rules, laws and ethics. Judge Judy God also lets me off the hook when I mess up because we all know I didn't really mean to do it. I get grace. I deserve grace but those others do not and should get justice. 

Dr. Phil God - Dr. Phil (or insert your favorite television therapist) God patiently sits and listens to our trials and troubles and then turns and tells us how to fix them, pays for us to go to whatever doctor, or treatment center needed and then does a follow up show to show how happy and healthy we are now. Basically, Dr. Phil God bails us out of whatever trouble we created for ourselves and we get to escape some much needed accountability and teaching. 

ATM God - This God is my favorite. The God that just answers our hopes and wishes. "God I need help paying this bill," or "God, the WalMart parking lot is full, can you help me out?" I realize this role for God isn't right, but when I am honest, I have to admit, I still ask for these things sometimes. 

But Master God - a God I wait to serve at His beck and call. I can't say I have been putting God or myself in those roles. As a bulldog, puppycat and human parent, I know that they rely on me to know things, to guide them safely through life bringing my experience and wisdom to the table of life. Can I allow God to be my master; allow Him the rightful place in my life?  Something to think about. Do I trust God enough to bless me as He chooses, to heal me the way He sees fit and to allow me to be held accountable by working through the problems I have caused for myself, knowing God will be with me the entire way.

  • Meditate on Psalm 123
  • Ask God how you can serve Him...then Listen
  • Let go of the other Gods
