PuppyCat Persecution

Another day. Another bulldog workout. Planking with a 45lb. lump leaning against you. Doing push ups while dodging a slobbery tongue. Trying to use a workout ball to do seat work and having it stolen for a pick up bulldog soccer match. It never ends. Today, Fin, the puppycat got in on the fun. As I did my 2lb weight arm workout he leaps from the back of the recliner and latches around my arm leaving a claw mark. Here I am trying to build my body. I am working on removing bad habits like lying around, petting critters and brushing fluffy cats and they are trying to stop me. You would think if you choose to do the right and good thing God would make sure all would go well for you. Not only does that not happen, but there are days when it seems like the exact opposite. Doesn’t God want to help me out???

As a pastor, this is a lesson I come up on often. The World really pushes back on what is right and good. The World doesn’t embrace what is good and right. The World chooses what is flesh feeding. The Kingdom is build on Holiness, goodness, and what feeds our souls. So as we seek good the World seeks to push against that. The World begs us to do what makes us feel good as opposed to what is good. 

The final Beatitude today is, “God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Why persecution? Couldn’t God just smite those feel gooders and lift up is do gooders. He will. He is. We are exhausted in the Kingdom that has been given to us. The Kingdom is right here. We just have to finish building it, and get others to join us. The persecution comes from the world, not God. God isn’t bothering with trying to make it wonderful for the World. The World doesn’t want God’s kind of wonderful. 

👩🏽‍💻 Decide if you are part of the World or building a Kingdom
👩🏽‍💻 Thank God for persecution, it means you, my friend, are a Kingdom dweller
